Flow with the Go in Thailand

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  • Regular price $499.00

Who else wants to learn how to make the Jiu-Jitsu you already know dangerous in any situation?

Whether you are young, old, tall, short, skinny, stocky, male, female, injured, or healthy. When you understand how to apply the concepts of Hidden Jiu-Jitsu you can adapt to any situation to become unstoppable!

The thing is, Jiu-Jitsu works for everyone, but not every technique in Jiu-Jitsu is right for every body type. This camp focused on how to adapt your Jiu-Jitsu to whatever circumstance you find yourself in, internal and external. As Bruce Lee used to say, you will learn to turn your "stumbling blocks into stepping stones" and turn what used to be your limitations into your secret weapons.

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