Becoming Invincible

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  • Regular price $499.00

This course is a counter intuitive approach to WINNING in Jiu Jitsu by having the ability to consistently escape every submission & position.  This is what "Becoming Invincible" is all about. It was born of what I learned from Rickson. Who was literally unsubmittable.  If I can't submit you, the odds of me getting tired, making a mistake, you submitting me go through the roof.  This course was taught over 4 days in Las Vegas and is over 100 videos in total.  In this day and age we throw around the word "game changing" with far too much ease.  But if ever there was a single course that would radically "change the game"... "change YOUR game"... then This. Is. It.


Using My Counter Intuitive System 
For Escaping Practically Every Submission From Every Position... 
Mount, Cross Side, Chokes, Arm & Shoulder Locks...

Everything about Jiu Jitsu becomes incredibly EASY
when you know you can't be submitted and
you don't have to force your offense 

While At The Same Time Demoralizing Your Opponents & Then Punishing Them For Every Single Submission They Attempt 

“Nullifying & Escaping Becomes So Easy, 
It Actually Becomes A Weapon To
Mentally Break Your Opponents & Ultimately Set Up Your Offense To
Be Imposed Effortlessly With Minimal Resistance”
- Mike M.