Jiu Jitsu Swiss Army Knife | (FKA Mind Blown 6)

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The Jiu Jitsu Swiss Army Knife MEGA-Course - 13 Courses/400+ Videos/20+ HOURS of BRAND NEW videos


Discover How The "Jiu Jitsu Swiss Army Knife"

Became The Hidden Jiu JItsu FUNDAMENTALS Super-Course That "Plugs The Holes" You've Been Trying To Fill Since White Belt 

Thirteen NEW Individual Courses


I'm finally DONE creating it, putting everything together, and getting it ready...

And I'm releasing them all to you, for the VERY FIRST time, RIGHT NOW. 

Truth Be Told...
You're Getting THIRTEEN Courses (Nearly 400 TOTAL VIDEO INSTRUCTIONALS) For The Price Of Just ONE...


Closed Guard.

Guard Passing.

Back Takes.

Back Defense.

And more...

All the fundamentals, all at once. 

You WILL NOT NEED any other courses EVER AGAIN to master the fundamentals of jiu jitsu.

Which, when everyone nowadays has a million different courses, and 873 different positions they "know" (none of which they're good at), having the best fundamentals is the most "ADVANCED" thing you can do.

Every hole in your game filled.

Every weakness turned into a strength.

No more getting beat by guys just because they're stronger, less tired, younger, faster, etc...

Just pure domination, all because you don't have chinks in your armor anymore.

How To Get THIRTEEN Courses (Nearly 400 TOTAL VIDEO INSTRUCTIONALS) For The Price Of Just ONE...

You probably already own some jiu jitsu courses.

Could be mine, could be Danaher's, could be from any of all the cool folks in the space.

At the end of the day, there's a good chance you already are willing to spend some time extra time watching and learning, in order to level up your game.

There's One Problem:

And it's a problem I see and HEAR everybody deal with...


Not only is it hard for you to choose.

 It can get expensive real quick if you're trying to learn more than on position.

(And that's kinda important...)

So today, right here, right now...

I'm saving you $1000s of dollars in expense, and HOURS of picking/choosing a course.

Instead of buying 13 separate courses at $100-$500 a pop.

I'm giving you a course that you is LITERALLY 13 FULL courses in ONE giant MEGA-COURSE.

For the cost of ONE SINGLE real good course.


This is something I've never offered you before, and may never offer again...

The "Jiu Jitsu Swiss Army Knife"

This is a huge SUPER-PACK of courses, ROLLED into one!!!

Nearly 400 VIDEOS of BRAND NEW teaching, coaching & instructional HD footage!

And I'm slipping it over to you…

This isn't a rehash of old moves and seminars...

It's a whole new BEAST.

Specifically it's taking you through the 7 of the MOST common positions you find yourself in...

And laying an absolute BEARTRAP at every turn for your opponent.

This is exactly what you WANT, here's why:

Nowadays we take in so much new BJJ info every day, it all gets jumbled around and very few people have a solid base.

I know guys who trained the right way for a few years, took a 10 year break, came back, and
on their first day absolutely crushed their old training partners who now outrank them...

At the same time, there's lots of folks who train for a year, 2 years, 5, 10, etc...
have the new guy come in off the street, and they simply can't keep up with athleticism, youth, flexibility, speed, etc...

It's because of the type of foundation they built (or failed to build), and in the era of information overload it's harder than ever to build your game on SOLID ROCK instead of shifting sand.

I GUARANTEE, that through no fault of your own, you've probably run into a few young, speedy, strong, buzz saws… right?

I GUARANTEE, also through no fault of your own, there's a piece or two of your game that you’d really like to shore up. Right?

If you said “yeah” to either of those questions…

This SUPER-PACK is for YOU.

YOU are in fact WHY I made the "Jiu Jitsu Swiss Army Knife...

Here's To This Being Your BIGGEST Breakthrough Moment Yet,
