UNchokeable VIP Course

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"Become UNchokeable... Guaranteed!" 

Finally, A Real-World, Real-Time, Systematic Approach To Defending Your Neck From Any & Every Back Choke... 

This is NOT "An Instructional"
This is NOT "A Seminar"
This is NOT "A Webinar"
Its how we should have been learning Jiu Jitsu all along...

Defense & Escape FAST TRACK.
Never Get Caught Again.

"This is one of the best jiu jitsu learning experiences I've ever hadI love being coached by you, but when you said this course would be different because "live training is a distraction", even I was skeptical. But you were 100% right, doing this virtually with you and THEN taking that to the matand THEN coming back with my questions and THEN reviewing the video breakdowns made me learn so much FASTER... And to think it all took place without being on the mat or even in the same room together is just mindblowing.  Thank You!  - Mike M.

"I'm NOT getting choked & my training parters are all commenting how good my defense has become so fast." - Paul

"Having the access & ability to do this live Q/A, after seeing the videos, practicing what was taught. It all really helped me see what I was doing wrong with my head position when I was trying to escape the choke. It improved things so much" -Julius 

Dear Friend,    

     You missed the original LIVE Ultimate Unchokeable Challente.  But I've made the entire Unchokeable Challenge into a full blown course.  You get access to the ENTIRE challenge and ALL its components so YOU TOO can become UNchokeable. 

     Here's how it all happened... and what you get...

A few months ago a buddy of mine said something to me that made me think...

"Henry, do you realize the ONLY thing that makes your Jiu Jitsu different is just TWO THINGS?
1. you see the TINIEST DETAIL in every position & transition ("THE MICRO")
2. and BEFORE that tiniest detail unfolds, you KNOW what comes NEXT 
To the uninitiated it looks like  a. you're a fortune teller who can see 10 seconds into the future or
b. you simply know something the rest of us don't

He also said,

"Most people never get good enough to let you teach them the MICRO.  While most people are paying attention to 'defending the choke' you've already escaped and taken the top position. If you really want to make the INVISIBLE... VISIBLE for people they need you to go DEEP without the distraction of training"

     Now if you know me at all... I have an eclectic collection of friends who in many cases can ONLY be referred to as "odd".  So hearing strange, weird, sometimes even ridiculous things is just part of the fun. I heard him say this and literally asked myself "Did he just say "without the distraction of training?" WTH?  When did the entire point of my life "training" become a "distraction"?  I apparently was not sent this memo. I couldn't decide if I should laugh or slap him.  It was something he just said off-handed in the middle of a conversation about "getting good, FAST".  So I let it ride and for whatever reason it just stuck in my head. 

     For weeks, I just kept looping back to "If you really want to make the INVISIBLE... VISIBLE for people they need you to go DEEP without the distraction of training"   We even talked about how when people take my seminars and have so many eye-opening, "a-ha", mindblowing moments... they still don't realize that there's an entire level of implementation & execution that because of time, attention & skill levels, etc... I haven't even scratched the surface on them.   

     When I started HiddenJiuJitsu.com I always felt one day that people would make enough progress that we'd be able to "scratch that surface".  And I think that time is now.  So I decided to test it out with a few folks.  Instead of focusing on "here's how to escape"  we focused on the MICRO.  The tiniest detail that gives away exactly what your opponent is going to do next but without the need for "speed" "athleticism" "size" etc, you simply beat him to the punch... EVERYTIME.  You escape simply because you know the terrain better.  You escape simply because no matter what adjustment your opponent makes you know where the exit is.  To BECOME UNCHOKEABLE You actually don't need 1001 counters that take a lifetime to learn.  You just need to know where the EXIT is.  And in any given moment there's only ONE exit.  But you'd never know it with any CERTAINTY without knowing the MICRO.  UNCHOKEABLE, UN-LEGLOCK-ABLE, UN-SUBMITABLE = "MICRO MODE".  It's not "train harder" its BE SMARTER.

aka Why is "mediocre" Jiu Jitsu the overwhelming norm?

     One BIG reason people don't get good fast is, in every scenario they have 87 possible things to remember, moves, techniques, escapes, etc... (aka "Frankenstein Jiu Jitsu - a bunch of disconnected, disjointed, unintegrated 'things' all bolted together & wrapped with duct tape")  If you train "situationally" with variable intensity (which I prefer for faster learning) vs "just rolling" you quickly reduce those possible variables..... but often times the number of variables tumbling and rolling around in your head is still at least 10-20 (and that's if you're lucky or good;-). 

     Now imagine if everything turned BINARY.  A or B.  This or That.  Would that simplify things?  Opponent takes your back and immediately you go "MICRO MODE" and just escape and take top position while your opponent is still thinking about hooks, seat belt, choking, control, right hand here, left hand there, etc... Would that speed up your response time regardless of hand speed or coordination?  Would that make it easy to beat your opponent to the punch?  He's got 87 variables in his head to complete the choke while you have just A or B to escape. 

     When people see me escape the fully sunk rear naked choke that's what they're seeing.  "MICRO MODE".  When people see me sweep with no hands.  That's what they're seeing "MICRO MODE".  I know what my opponent is going to do before he does it. It's not because I have some special talent or can see the future. Its because I am seeing the position/transition as binary.  A or B.  While he's thinking grips, foot position, weight distribution, etc... I'm thinking A or B......... and before he knows it he's not passing, he's swept and I'm on top. MICRO MODE.

     Its not that you don't need to know the technical side of things.  You damn well do.  But if you have a great instructor and training environment you're already learning that, yet you still struggle to apply what you know QUICKLY and without a bunch of disconnected thoughts that slow your progression and success to a crawl... even if your choke escape takes ONE extra second (even against an opponent with just "mediocre" Jiu Jitsu... that ONE second = NAP.  If you KNOW the MICRO, you essentially can see the future and instead of giving that second to your opponent you TAKE IT AWAY, escape & get on top. THAT is what knowing the MICRO does for you.  And after EXTREMELY careful consideration, even after all these years with this ol' black belt 'o mine... I learned something new.

"If you really want to make the INVISIBLE... VISIBLE for people they need you to go DEEP without the distraction of training"

     The more I thought about it the more I realized that every discipline has STUDY intertwined with DOING.  I've always been a DOING kind of guy.  Studying can be BORING.  And heck, who's got time for studying.  Just making time for getting on the mat is hard enough.  And even with studying, you still can't be good at anything without actually putting what you've learned, to the test under live fire. But here's the thing.  Knowing the MICRO gives you the BIGGEST BANG for your invested time.  Its the bridge between studying and doing.

     Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying ANY of this to minimize the importance of technique or training time.  Some yahoo will run to his Tweeter today and post "Henry Akins says you never have to train only go to his webinars"... I know who you are.  Stop it. My ONLY goal is to help your progress in Jiu Jitsu go as FAST as possible. 

     I want to EXPOSE what you can't see that the truly dominant ACTUALLY do.  Why was Rickson so hard to beat? Why can't the best guy in the world escape Roger's cross collar choke.  Why is Gordon so dominant.  Yes they have ALL the athleticism, tools, skills, mindset, coaching, training, etc... but one thing they all share that is accessible to YOU and EVERY single person regardless of genetics, training partners, coaching, etc... is they KNOW the MICRO.  When they take someone's back they not only know exactly what they want to do, they know exactly what their opponent is going to do.  IF they get their back taken they are more often than not... UNCHOKEABLE.

     For 99% of people doing Jiu Jitsu the MICRO is completely ignored.  Its hard enough to learn Jiu Jitsu as it is.  So the MICRO is seen as "too small" or "too complicated".   Its actually THE OPPOSITE.  The MICRO is the little hinge that swings the GIANT door.  Its the technological difference between a computer from 1974 that's as big as a city block and the microchip in the phone you have in your hand or pocket that has 100x more computing power.  The reason why the Jiu Jitsu community is LITTERED with "mediocre" Jiu Jitsu everywhere is because the MICRO is almost universally ignored in favor of "more important" yet "less effective means of learning"

    This UNCHOKEABLE virtual coaching course is all about getting good, really fast at ONE thing.  THE MICRO.  The micro of back choke defense & escape.  BECOMING UNCHOKEABLE. KNOWING what your opponent is going to do... BEFORE he does it.  This is how you become UNchokeable.  And ultimately if you are CERTAIN you can't be choked, guess what?  Your OFFENSE becomes SUPERCHARGED without learning a single new technique.  And this is why I'm starting my 90 Day Challenge series with defending and escaping the back.  By the end of 90 Days you'll simply know what's coming before your opponent even knows what he's going to do. Its real life fortune telling... without the hocus pocus. 

    I took over 60 of my students through a virtual coaching process over 90 Days and we recorded every second of it and it was SO good, SO helpful and they learned SO fast, I want you to have the same access, coaching, assignments and RESULTS, I'll walk you through the tiniest details of defending your neck with someone on your back AND I'll show you what comes NEXT... BEFORE it happens.  If you want to always be 2 steps ahead... and BECOME UNCHOKEABLE  this program is for YOU!  

    Why did he say "without the distraction of training"? Because in training, we're almost always trying to learn with an elevated heart rate, elevated respiratory rate.  If its a seminar its often a bit more low key but there are a ton of people, a ton of stimulation, we're often times under fed, etc....  UNCHOKEABLE will be your ONLY opportunity to learn the HIDDEN skills and concepts that allow you to become UNchokeable with ZERO stress or distraction.  

     And in between each recorded virtual coaching 
session... you'll have ASSIGNMENTS.  Specific video footage to watch.  Specific coaching assignments to apply during your normal training sessions.  Specific instructions to implement BEFORE you watch the next session.  And the fact that other members of our HJJ community have gone before you... you'll not only get to benefit from your own assignments and observations.  You'll get to benefit from their reports of their experiences and questiions as well.

For YEARS My Students Have Been BEGGING Me For More Direct Access, Direct Coaching, Direct Questions & Answers... This Is The Answer To Everything They've Been Asking For  

     Frankly, this is the most ambitious and exciting project I've ever created.  And I expect you to have the very best learning experience you've ever had in Jiu Jitsu and the FASTEST speed of progress you've ever experienced.  Buckle Up... things are about to get REALLY exciting.  You know that training partner who ALWAYS is getting the better of you? You remember that last competitive loss that you wish you had back?  Yeah... MICRO fixes that. 

     Instead of the one way direction of a video instructional course.  You'll experience me coaching students just like you LIVE at each virtual coaching session.  You'll get to see all the community feedback, questions, comments and answers as well.  And then layered on top of that will be your assignments that you complete in training in between sessions.  Instead of your learning being isolated to watching a video or just on the mat.  My UNCHOKEABLE virtual coaching course is the key that UNLOCKS the connection between learning, training and finally being able to "put it all together" on the map.  It is truly the ultimate mastery and progression process and I cannot wait to begin the process with you.

What You Get...

     "Becoming UNchokeable" was the first 90 Day Challenge of many future "Challenges" to come.  I will ultimately create ongoing training around every position & transition in Jiu Jitsu.  A TRUE process designed for YOU to achieve the kind of mastery few have the opportunity to attain. 


     I expect this to become the NEW standard in how Jiu Jitsu is taught.  Yes its fun to just show up week after week on the mats and train with your friends but quite frankly in the absence of seeing and UNDERSTANDING the MICRO aspects of Jiu Jitsu we're just getting in our own way.   Its also NOT fun to NOT feel like you're making SUBSTANTIAL progress even though you're putting in time on the mats.  Especially for more experienced belts where the ceiling of improvement hits hard for many... that can take the art you love so much and turn it into drudgery. If we look at how Jiu Jitsu is currently taught and has been taught we see more mediocre Jiu Jitsu than ever before.  I've made it my PERSONAL MISSION to FIX THIS.

     Learning the most critical details and concepts, throwing away the rest that's unnecessary.  Going and IMPLEMENTING what we learned.  Reporting back.  Getting Coached.  Rinse, Repeat.  THIS is how you achieve mastery in Jiu Jitsu no matter what belt level you currently are.  No matter where you live. No matter who your instructor is.  No matter where you train.  No matter what your ultimate goals.  Will this replace the time you put in on the mats?  HELL NO.  Will it make that investment pay off in spades FAST.  HECK YEAH!

     2020 and COVID was miserable, but one thing GREAT that came out of it was the realization that we could actually LEARN & DEVELOP FASTER by adding an aspect of our training that wasn't mat time.   Don't get me wrong... there is ZERO substitute for spending MOST of your time ON the mat.  But "little hinges" DO swing BIG doors.  I hope you're READY for THE single FASTEST amount of improvement you've ever experienced.  I know for sure... your training partners and your next competition competitors aren't.


Henry Akins

P.S. - If you're even a LITTLE curious about being part of this history making and radical Jiu Jitsu improving experience... Or even if you just want to be UNCHOKEABLE... I strongly encourage you to enroll right now so you're not left out ;-).  While everyone else is working their fingers to the bone you can be in the comfort of your home sharpening your blade for next time.  I guarantee... you don't get choked.